This week I installed a cb radio into a F250. To put the antenna where the person wanted we had to disconnect the fender. It was fairly simple to wire in one cord from the antenna to the cb and then a power cord to a terminal in the fuse box inside the cab and for the ground we ended up using the same one that an electric trailer brake controller was attached to. I also went down to the PACCAR show in Skagit county. It was fun and learned some new stuff about the new trucks coming out. I've also been learning a lot about basic wiring in class.
33 hours this week
58 hours total
" I've also been learning a lot about basic wiring in class."
ReplyDeleteWhat? What did you learn? Take it deeper. Tell me what. Expand on it.
This will cement your learning. We don't need a lot, but you need to think about this. Reflect...