I don't know why but this is not letting me do this how I want to so I hope you don't have trouble following this. Any way the first picture is of me checking the coolant level. It had plenty of coolant in fact I might have called it a little over full because the tank did not have much room for expansion. The second picture is of me checking the belts. If this were my truck I would replace them. They were pretty worn and starting to crack. The third picture is of the cable that keeps the hood from opening too far. It still works but is fraying and if it breaks when someone opens it the hood could hit the bumper or ground and break or dent. The fourth picture is of the gauge reading the amount of resistance in the air filter housing. As you can see it says the filter is in good condition and does not need to be replaced. The fifth picture is of the hydraulic pump on the bottom of the trany. It shows signs of leaking and I think that needs to be investigated more lest the hydraulic system be contaminated and ruined. The last picture is of the engine oil dip stick. The oil was extremely black but was between the full and fill marks so it was fine on the amount of it.

120 hours over the last three weeks
358 hours total
I find that if you go through and type a few words between photos as placeholders you can go back and insert what you want. If you put a bunch of photos in first it seems like you can't get 'between' them. Is this what is happening for you?
ReplyDeleteThe post is fine Ryan, you got the information in, I'd like you to consider what you have learned and write more about that in the future though.